Milestones of the year 2024
After celebrating the purchase of the first ITMOs for NDC-use at the beginning of the year and the authorisation of a first greenhouse gas mitigation activity in Ghana, the development of many new mitigation activities has gained momentum. We have more than 90 activities at various stages of development. Those that meet our criteria and successfully pass our rigorous assessment and the third-party validation, will be submitted to the ministries of environment of Switzerland and the partner countries for authorisation. Background information on a selection of mitigation activities under development can be found here. An overview off the major events of the KliK Foundation in 2024 can be found here:
Breakthrough in climate action: Article 6 negotiations concluded
At the UN Climate Change Conference in Baku, negotiations on Articles 6.2 and 6.4 of the Paris Agreement were concluded. We expect that many more countries will now be able to finalise their national climate change policies for the implementation of Article 6. The KliK Foundation looks forward to continuing to work under Article 6.2 but also intends to make use of Article 6.4 in the coming years.
We would like to thank all of our partners for working with us in these exciting times. We look forward to continuing to support you in your current and future mitigation activities.